Research Article

Male Involvement in Family Planning: Challenges and Way Forward

Table 2

Respondents’ perceptions of family planning.

StatementsAgreeUndecided Disagree

It is only women who are promiscuous that use FP without their husband consent*104 (20.8%) 300 (60.0%)96 (19.2%)
Attending FP clinic is entirely the woman’s issue and not the man*274 (54.8%)30 (6.0%)196 (39.2%)
Attending FP clinic with wife is a waste of time*174 (34.8%)182 (36.4%)144 (28.8%)
FP is important in the area of improving the health of women419 (83.8%)71 (14.2%)10 (2.0%)
Men should assist their women in getting care from a competent FP provider391 (78.2%)101 (20.2%)8 (1.6%)
Husband should follow his wife to FP only when his attention is needed*244 (48.8%)181 (36.2%)75 (15.0%)

Negative perception.