Research Article

The Application of Simple and Easy to Implement Decoupling Pulse Scheme Combinations to Effect Decoupling of Large Values with Reduced Artifacts

Figure 12

The 31P NMR spectrum of HP(=O)(OCH2CH3)2 indicates the resultant sidebands with decoupling of 1H by (a) MPF and CW decoupling (PW, 1 ms; PL, 15.8 dB; , 1.50 Hz; DB, 120 Hz; SDB, irrelevant); (b) MPF decoupling (PW, 1 ms; PL, 11.3 dB; , 1.32 Hz; DB, 28 kHz; SDB, 7 kHz); (c) APD decoupling using CHIRP and CW (PW, 1 ms; PL, 15.2 dB; , 1.48 Hz; DB, 250 Hz; SDB, irrelevant); (d) APD using CHIRP (PW, 1 ms; PL, 5.8 dB; , 1.47 Hz; DB, 44 kHz; SDB, 15 kHz); (e) CPD decoupling using GARP and CW (PW, 60 μs; PL, 10.6 dB; , 1.41 Hz; DB, 1 kHz; SDB, 400 Hz); and (f) CPD decoupling using GARP (PW, 60 μs; PL, 9.4 dB; , 1.35 Hz; DB, 19 kHz; SDB, 7 kHz). Note: spectra (b) and (d) have been shifted in frequency slightly for ease of comparison.