Research Article

Normalization of Active Appearance Models for Fish Species Identification

Algorithm 1

Computation of the normalized shapes external feature points, basic approach. The term “species” designates the species manually chosen for the creation of the UAAM.
(1) for each species do
(2)  Normalize shapes (Procrustes Analysis)
(3)  Compute the mean shape
(4)  Compute a Delaunay triangulation on the mean shape
(5)  Re-sample the external mean shape
(6)  for each new external feature point do
(7)   Find the triangle in which lies the current new external feature point
(8)   for each shape of the current specie do
(9)    Compute the position of the new external feature point in the corresponding triangle
      of the current shape using an affine interpolation
(10)  end for
(11) end for
(12) end for