Research Article

Incidence of Obstetric and Foetal Complications during Labor and Delivery at a Community Health Centre, Midwives Obstetric Unit of Durban, South Africa

Table 2

Obstetric complication rates of 2708 pregnant women during labor, delivery, and 6 hours after delivery during January to December 2007.

Obstetric and delivery complicationsNumbers in each category of complicationProportion of all complications in percentage ( 𝑛 = 4 4 3 )Incidence (per 1000 pregnant women) of complications ( 𝑛 = 2 7 0 6 )

Maternal complications

Poor progress (poor progress, prolonged latent phase)7917.8329.1
Pre-term labor6815.3525.1
Hypertensive disorder (eclampsia, PET, PIH)5813.0921.4
CPD (CPD, labor obstruction, obstructed labor)4810.8317.2
Retained products102.253.7
Third degree perineal tear30.671.0
Cord prolapse30.671.0
Other conditions317.012.1

Foetal complications

Foetal distress9922.3436.5
Breech presentation122.704.4
Postdelivery conditions (PPH)132.894.8