Research Article

Toxins and Antibiotic Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from a Major Hospital in Lebanon

Table 3

Characterization of S. aureus isolates through the determination of antibiotic resistance profiles and prevalence of virulence factors.

MRSA (93 Isolates)aNumber of drugseta genecetb genecEnterotoxins and TSST-1d

𝑛 = 5 9 0–27%3%0–5%
𝑛 = 2 3 3–926%13%0–13%
𝑛 = 1 1 10–1418%00–27%

MSSA (37 Isolates)bNumber of drugseta geneetb geneEnterotoxins and TSST-1

𝑛 = 2 7 0–211%0%0–15%
𝑛 = 1 2 3–98%8%0–33%

a MRSA: methicilin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
b MSSA: methicilin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.
ceta: exfoliative toxin A), etb: exfoliative toxin B.
d TSST-1: toxic shock syndrome toxin-1.