Research Article

Determinants of Nurses' Attitudes toward the Care of Patients with Alcohol Problems

Table 1

Factors and their interpretation for The Marcus Alcoholism Questionnaire ([32], pages 3, 4), the Seaman-Mannello Nurses’ Attitudes toward Alcohol and Alcoholism Scale ([33], page 166), and the Shortened Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Perception Questionnaire (SAAPPQ) ([39], page 754).

Marcus: high score indicates the belief that…

(1) Emotional difficulties as causes of alcoholism: “emotional difficulties or psychological problems are an important contributing factor in the development of alcoholism”
(2) Loss of control: “the alcoholic is unable to control his drinking behaviour”
(3) Prognosis for recovery: “most alcoholics do not, and cannot be helped to, recover from alcoholism”
(4) The alcoholic as a steady drinker: “periodic excessive drinkers can be alcoholics” (low score—“person must be a continual excessive drinker in order to be classified as an alcoholic”)
(5) Alcoholism and character defect: “the alcoholic is a weak-willed person”
(6) Social status of the alcoholic: “alcoholics come from the lower socioeconomic stratum of society”
(7) Alcoholism as an illness: “this is not an illness”
(8) Harmless voluntary indulgence: “the alcoholic is a harmless heavy drinker whose drinking is motivated by his fondness for alcohol”
(9) Addiction liability: “alcohol is a highly addicting substance”

Seaman-Mannello: high score indicates the nurse is likely to…

(1) Case disposition, therapy versus punishment: “believe that alcoholics are physically ill… medical treatment is warranted” (low score—“alcoholics are in good physical health and should be punished for their alcoholism”)
(2) Personal/professional satisfaction in work with alcoholics: “find working with alcoholics rewarding… enjoy having them as patients and feel comfortable treating them.” (low score—“discomfort and embarrassment when dealing with people with drinking problems”)
(3) Inclination to identify: ability to help alcoholic patients: “see alcoholics as potentially respectable citizens who can be helped to resume normal lives… alcoholics want to be cured and that the nurse can help them.” (low score—“alcoholics are selfish and do not want to be helped”)
(4) Perceptions of personal characteristics of alcoholic persons: “see alcoholics as basically unhappy people—lonely, sensitive, doubting their own worth, and having severe emotional difficulties” (low score—“alcoholics as people who are simply excessive drinkers and who do not have psychological problems”)
(5) Personal attitudes toward drinking: “believe that alcohol per se is not bad. Moderate consumption of alcohol may actually be beneficial.” (low score—“the danger is in the alcohol and not in the person—the consumption of alcohol in any quantity is harmful, if not morally wrong”)

SAAPPQ: interpretation

(1) Motivation: “a health professionals motivation or willingness to work with drinkers”
(2) Work satisfaction: “their expectations of work satisfaction with these clients”
(3) Role adequacy: “their feelings about the adequacy of their knowledge and skills in working with such patients”
(4) Role legitimacy: “the extent to which they feel they have the right to work with drinkers”
(5) Task-specific self-esteem: “their self-esteem in this specific task”