Research Article

Locations of Satellite Galaxies in the Two-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey

Figure 1

Probability distributions for the locations of satellite galaxies in the 2dFGRS. Top. Results for our first sample, where the APM scans of the 𝑏 𝐽 plates, the selection criteria from [7], and all host-satellite pairs are used in the calculations. Bottom. Results for our second sample, where the SuperCOSMOS scans of the 𝑟 𝐹 plates, the selection criteria from [11], and all host-satellite pairs are used in the calculations. Left. Observed differential probability distribution (data points with error bars). Dotted lines show the expectation for a uniform (i.e., isotropic) distribution. Also shown are the mean satellite location and the confidence level at which the 𝜒 2 test rejects the uniform distribution. Right. Observed cumulative probability distribution (solid lines) and the expectation for a uniform distribution (dotted lines). Also shown are the median satellite location and the confidence level at which the KS test rejects the uniform distribution.