Research Article

Management of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in Glufosinate-Resistant Soybean (Glycine max) with Sequential Applications of Herbicides

Table 3

Palmer amaranth control and soybean yield as influenced by main effects of PRE and POST herbicide treatments during 2010 on the Nahunta soil seriesa.

HerbicidesHerbicide rate Palmer amaranth control Soybean yield
g ha−1%kg ha−1

PRE herbicides
 None29 e1150 c
 Flumioxazin70098 a1460 b
 Sulfentrazone plus cloransulam methyl28 + 3666 cd1450 b
-metolachlor plus fomesafen1200 + 27077 c1680 a
 Flumioxazin plus chlorimuron70 + 2193 ab1420 b
 Fomesafen28080 bc1570 ab
-metolachlor150056 d1500 ab
POST herbicides
 None64 b1500 a
 Glufosinate67073 a1340 b
 Glufosinate then glufosinate400 then 40076 a1530 a

aMeans within a treatment factor (PRE or POST herbicides) for each parameter followed by the same letter are not different according to Fisher’s Protected LSD test at . Data for PRE herbicides are pooled over levels of POST herbicides. Data for POST herbicides are pooled over levels of PRE herbicides.