Research Article

Eysenck’s Two Big Personality Factors and Their Relationship to Depression in Patients with Chronic Idiopathic Pain Disorder: A Clinimetric Validation Analysis

Table 4

Eysenck Neuroticism Third principal component: Eigenvalue 1.32.

No.SymptomNegative loadings

54Do you suffer from sleeplessness? −0.41
68Have you ever wished that you were dead? −0.33
84Are you sometimes bubbling over with energy and sometimes very sluggish? −0.29
58Have you often felt listless and tired for no reason? −0.27
88Are you touchy about some things? −0.27
15Are you an irritable person? −0.26
7Do you ever feel “just miserable” for no reason? −0.21
62Do you often feel life is very dull? −0.14
3Does your mood often go up and down? −0.14
23Do you often feel “fed up”? −0.11

No.SymptomPositive loadings

47Do you worry about your health?0.49
66Do you worry a lot about your looks?0.33
72Do you worry too long after an embarrassing experience?0.32
77Do you often feel lonely?0.21
31Would you call yourself a nervous person?0.20
19Are your feelings easily hurt?0.19
38Do you worry about awful things that might happen?0.16
41Would you call yourself tense or “highly-strung”?0.15
75Do you suffer from “nerves”?0.11
80Are you easily hurt when people find fault with you or the work you do?0.08
34Are you a worrier?0.07
12Do you often worry about things you should not have done or said?0.07
27Are you often troubled about feelings of guilt?0.05