Research Article

Retinal Vessel Diameter Measurement Using Unsupervised Linear Discriminant Analysis

Table 3

Comparison of vessel diameter measurement accuracy and precision between the proposed ULDM, established techniques, and manual measurement for the VDIS databasea.

VDIS database
Method name Success rate (%)DiameterDifference
Average SD Average SD

Observer 11008.502.54−0.350.543
Observer 21008.912.690.060.621
Observer 31009.152.670.300.669
1D Gaussian99.95.78−3.072.110
2D Gaussian77.26.59−2.261.328
ESP method99.68.80−0.050.766
Graph-based method96.08.353.00−0.531.43
Proposed ULDM 96.38.682.82−0.641.18