Research Article

Retinal Vessel Diameter Measurement Using Unsupervised Linear Discriminant Analysis

Table 4

Comparison of vessel diameter measurement accuracy and precision between the proposed ULDM, established techniques, and manual measurement for the KPIS databasea.

KPIS database
Method name Success rate (%)DiameterDifference
Average SD Average SD

Observer 11007.970.470.450.234
Observer 21007.600.420.080.213
Observer 31007.000.52−0.520.233
1D Gaussian1004.95−2.570.399
2D Gaussian1005.87−1.650.337
ESP method1006.56−0.960.328
Graph-based method99.46.380.59−1.140.67
Proposed ULDM 1007.020.67−0.500.60