Research Article

Comparative Evaluation of Different Organic Media on Soil Chemical Composition, Growth, and Yield of Mushroom (Pleurotus tubergium L.)

Table 3

Effect of different growth media on the growth and yield parameters of Pleurotus tubergium mushroom.

TreatmentsCrown width (cm)Stalk length (cm)Girth width (cm)Weight of fruiting bodies (kg/ha)

Control 2.01a1.80a0.80a145.25a
Loamy soil5.03g3.32de3.35e322.88i
Poultry manure2.14b2.93bc3.33ef245.20c
Rice bran4.56f4.18g3.66g222.20b
Oil palm bunch ash2.18bc4.52h2.67c295.36f
Wood ash2.50c3.12d1.18b256.83d
Oil palm bunch husk2.09b4.76hi3.78h286.20e
Soybean husk3.21de3.88f3.95j303.33h
NPK + loamy soil5.37gh5.20j3.83hi400.00j

Treatment means followed by the same letter are not significantly different from each other using Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level.