Research Article

Prevalence of Malaria and Treatment Seeking Behaviours among Pregnant Women in Postconflict Internally Displaced Persons' Camps in Gulu District

Table 3

Chi-square test for factors associated with treatment seeking for malaria.

Variable 𝜒 2 𝑃 value
Got treatment
Yes (%)No (%)

Age group
 14–25182 (99)012 (01)0.380.535
 26–45165 (92)014 (08)
Have ever attended formal education
 Yes250 (92)022 (08)1.940.164
 No097 (93)004 (07)
Experience of miscarriage
 Yes065 (88)009 (12)3.870.049
 No283 (94)017 (06)
Antenatal visit
 Yes245 (95)013 (05)4.710.029
 No103 (89)013 (11)
Numbers of antenatal visits
  1 Visit107 (94)007 (06)0.630.729
 2 Visits132 (96)006 (04)
 3 Visits004 (100)000 (00)
Marital status
 Married/cohabiting329 (93)023 (07)1.610.204
 Single/divorced/widowed019 (86)003 (14)
 Multigravidae314 (94)021 (06)2.50.114
 Primigravidae033 (87)005 (13)
Gestation age in months
 1–5 Months149 (91)015 (09)2.030.155
 6–10 Months195 (95)011 (05)