Research Article

Motivating Factors and Psychosocial Barriers to Condom Use among out-of-School Youths in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: A Cross Sectional Survey Using the Health Belief Model

Table 3

Unadjusted odds ratios (OR) and adjusted odds ratios (AOR) from logistic regression analyses that examined the association between selected determinants of behavioural change and noncondom use in past 3 months by gender ( ).

Variables aMales ( ) bFemales ( )

Bivariate analysis valueOR95% CI -valueOR95% CI

Had sex while drunk0.4800.870.58–1.30<0.0010.390.20–0.75
Experienced forced sex<0.01*1.661.12–2.35<0.01*1.431.14–2.77
Demanded unprotected sex from partner<0.01*1.581.10–2.270.7650.940.60–1.45
I feel shy to buy condoms <0.0011.121.10–1.24<0.0011.301.05–1.17
Condoms reduce sexual pleasure<0.0011.201.13–1.27<0.0011.271.05–1.54
Cannot convince partner to use condoms0.0630.940.84–1.06<0.01*1.101.02–1.18
Discussed condom use prior to sex 0.5210.910.82–1.95<0.0010.570.49–0.67
HIV is a serious and deadly disease<0.0010.400.18–0.63<0.0010.510.33–0.78

Multivariate analysis§ -valueAOR95% CI -valueAOR95% CI

Had sex while drunk0.5200.910.62–1.34 <0.0010.160.13–0.21
Experienced forced sex0.5741.140.73–1.76<0.01*1.161.10–2.78
I feel shy to buy condoms<0.0011.161.12–1.340.580.780.29–2.10
Condoms reduce sexual pleasure<0.0018.193.98–17.01<0.0018.293.39–20.73
Cannot convince partner to use condoms0.0710.920.76–1.16<0.01*1.141.04–1.28
Discussed condoms use prior to sex0.5610.450.11–1.05<0.0010.410.18–0.63
HIV is a serious and deadly disease<0.0010.360.28–0.46<0.0010.390.21–0.66

; * .
a2 Log likelihood test: 176.5; .224; b2 Log likelihood test: 138.5; .257.
§Adjusted for sociodemographic, risky behaviours, psychosocial and motivating variables.