Research Article

Modeling of Permanent Wilting from Particle Size Fractions of Coastal Plain Sands Soils in Southeastern Nigeria

Table 3

Pearson correlation coefficients for soil properties of the study sites.

PWPSandFine sandCoarse sandSiltClaySCR

PWP (%)
Sand (g kg−1)−0.14
Fine sand (g kg−1)−0.07−0.39**
Coarse sand (g kg−1)0.003 0.71**−0.93**
Silt (g kg−1)0.004−0.75** 0.25*−0.51**
Clay (g kg−1)0.21*−0.72** 0.33**−0.54**0.08
SCR−0.17−0.26** 0.12−0.20*0.81**−0.47**
Clay ratio−0.26** 0.62**−0.22* 0.42**0.03−0.97**0.58**

PWP: permanent wilting point, SCR: silt clay ratio, *Significant at 5%, **Significant at 1%.