Research Article

Influence of Phosphorus Levels and Phosphorus Solubilizing Fungi on Yield and Nutrient Uptake by Wheat under Sub-Humid Region of Rajasthan, India

Table 1

Physicochemical properties of experimental soil before start of the experiment.

Soil propertiesContents

Mechanical composition:
 Sand (%)52.83
 Silt (%)20.96
 Clay (%)26.21
 Texture classSandy clay loam
Chemical properties:
 pH (1 : 2, soil : water suspension)8.11
 EC [dSm−1 (1 : 2, soil : water suspension)]0.83
 Organic carbon (%)0.53
 Available nitrogen (kg ha−1)292.42
 Available phosphorus (kg ha−1)21.96
 Available potassium (kg ha−1)624.00