Research Article

Seasonality of Fruit-Feeding Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in a Brazilian Semiarid Area

Table 2

Pearson’s linear correlation coefficients between each of the six most abundant species, total abundance and richness of fruit-feeding butterflies.

C. soranaF. glyceriumF. halice morettaH. februaH. clytemnestra forbesiP. phares

C. sorana
F. glycerium0.4086
F. halice moretta0.61340.9589 ***
H. februa0.15520.14800.1579
H. clytemnestra forbesi0.69520.58520.73030.3027
P. phares−0.08770.54650.46490.49740.2030
Total abundance0.0470.81390.9474 **0.24750.67130.5457
Richness0.771 *0.30960.50070.34050.77790.1988

Significant values for 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 are in bold. Highest positive correlation values: *species versus richness, **species versus total abundance, ***between species.