Research Article

Occurrence of Fetal Macrosomia Rate and Its Maternal and Neonatal Complications: A 5-Year Cohort Study

Table 3

Maternal and neonatal complications due to macrosomia (data presented as number ( ) and percentage (%)).

VariablesMacrosomiaNormal birth weight
% %

Uterine atony ( )19811130.70.0001
Cervix/vaginal laceration ( )884.940.20.0001*
Uterine rapture ( )80.420.10.0001*
Shoulder dystocia ( )1831190.50.0001
Brachial fracture ( )60.300.00.0001*
Clavicle fracture ( )120.620.10.0001*
Brachial plexus injury ( )351.920.10.0001*
First-minute Apgar < 6 ( )18010130.70.0001

is significant using chi-square test, * is significant using Fisher’s exact test.