Research Article

Breeding Bird Relationships to Landscape Metrics in Coastal Plain Georgia

Table 2

Common and scientific name, 2007 Southeastern Coastal Plain Partners in Flight conservation score, significant population trend during 1966–2005 for the Coastal Plaina, and partial Breeding Bird Survey route mean abundance.

Common nameScientific nameConservation scoreTrendMean

Acadian flycatcherEmpidonax virescens15+0.28
Blue jayCyanocitta cristata144.46
Brown thrasherToxostoma rufum151.57
Brown-headed cowbirdMolothrus ater81.29
Brown-headed nuthatchSitta pusilla 200.20
Carolina chickadeePoecile carolinensis160.92
Carolina wrenThryothorus ludovicianus1305.21
Downy woodpeckerPicoides pubescens140.42
Eastern kingbirdTyrannus tyrannus151.38
Eastern towheePipilo erythrophthalmus165.50
Eastern wood-peweeContopus virens140.44
Field sparrowSpizella pusilla150.94
Indigo buntingPasserina cyanea1403.22
Northern bobwhiteColinus virginianus163.62
Northern parulaParula americana1500.94
Orchard orioleIcterus spurius1600.80
Pileated woodpeckerDryocopus pileatus1400.51
Pine warblerDendroica pinus14+1.18
Prairie warblerDendroica discolor180.26
Red-bellied woodpeckerMelanerpes carolinus1303.44
Red-headed woodpeckerMelanerpes erythrocephalus1500.31
Summer tanagerPiranga rubra1600.84
White-eyed vireoVireo griseus1401.63
Wood thrushHylocichla mustelina150.72

aSauer et al. [14]. The North American Breeding Bird Survey, results and analysis 1966–2003. USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Md, USA.