Research Article

Hemoculture and Polymerase Chain Reaction Using Primers TCZ1/TCZ2 for the Diagnosis of Canine and Feline Trypanosomiasis

Figure 1

1.0% agarose gel stained by GeLred. Amplification of fragments of 188 bp of Trypanosoma cruzi by PCR, using primers TCZ1/TCZ2 in 13 hemoculture samples for dogs and cats from Botucatu, SP. M: Standard molecular weight for DNA (100 bp); 1: positive control (T. cruzi-Y strain); 2: negative control (MIX PCR); 3: dog 40; 4: dog 41; 5: dog 10; 6: cat 32; 7: cat 35; 8: cat 44; 9: cat 36; 10: dog 46; 11: dog 01; 12: cat 39; 13: cat 45; 14: cat 49; 15: dog 50, botucatu, SP, Brazil.