Research Article

Pesticide Concentrations in Vacuum Dust from Farm Homes: Variation between Planting and Nonplanting Seasons

Table 5

Atrazine concentrations in dust samples by location within the homes and season in nanograms per square centimeter (ng/cm2).

GM (GSD)RangeGM (GSD)Range

Entryway0.40 (21.0)a0.002–870.015 (16.4)c,d 4 . 7 E - 5 - 5
Living Room0.033 (14)c4.4E-5-80.003 (11.3)e 6 . 2 E - 6 - 0 . 4
Master Bedroom0.045 (7.1)b, c0.002–30.003 (10.3) e 6 . 1 E - 5 - 1
Kitchen0.14 (17.7)a, b0.002–6520.008 (37)d,e 4 E - 6 - 6 3
House Avg.0.09 (8.6)0.002–6520.006 (11.0) 4 E - 6 - 6 3

a, b, c, d,eGeometric means with the same letter are not significantly different from each other based on 𝑃 value < 0.05 obtained from ANOVA Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.