Research Article

Changes in Land Use System and Environmental Factors Affect Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Density and Diversity, and Enzyme Activities in Rhizospheric Soils of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd.

Table 1

Physicochemical characteristics of soils from Dahra and Goudiry (in Senegal).

Sites and soil origins

Clay (%)3.5b5.53c2.60a6.86d6.46d6.76d
Silt (%)10.3a11.00a10.25a19.1c18.23c15.2b
Sand (%)85.3cd83.10c85.97d73.87a75.46a79.32b
Total carbon (%)0.52b0.83c0.41a0.77c1.71d0.74c
Total nitrogen (%)0.05a0.08c0.05a0.07c0.16d0.06b
C/N ratio10109111112
Total phosphorus (mg/kg)49.33b83.03c33.12a79.33c166.00d53.00b
Available phosphorus (mg/kg)8.00a29.68c12.66b8.29a9.16a7.47a
Ca (%)0.92ab1.11b0.56a1.33bc6.44d1.69c
Mg (%)0.42a0.56a0.29a0.42a3.58b0.53a
Na (%)0.11ab0.15b0.09ab0.15b0.03a0.14b
K (%)0.20a0.29b0.19a0.28b0.90c0.27b
pH (H2O)

PL: plantation of Acacia senegal; NP: natural population of Acacia senegal; BS: bulk soil. In the same row, values followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to the Student-Newman-Keuls test ( 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 ).