Clinical Study

Management of Type 3 Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation: Comparison of Long-Term Functional Results of Two Operative Methods

Table 3

Comparison of the two groups.

Modified WDORIF with TBW

Mean age (range)31.7 (18 to 44)30.1 (16 to 59)
Sex (male : female)8 : 35 : 2
Mean Interval between injury and surgery26 months10 days
Complications1/11 (9%)5/7 (71%)
Mean duration of clinic followup5.4 months7.3 months
Mean duration of total followup (telephone review)6 years6.4 years
Mean Oxford shoulder score at telephone review57.154.7
Patient satisfaction
 Appearance91% (10/11)100%
 Return to preinjury level of  activity100%86%