Research Article

Implementation of Quality by Design for the Development and Validation of Pioglitazone Hydrochloride by RP-UPLC with Application to Formulated Forms

Table 3

Observation and remarks of method development for different pH conditions with Acquity BEH C18, (100 × 2.1) mm, 1.7 μm column.

S. No.Trails takenObservationsRemarksTheoretical platesTailing

1ACN : buffer (pH 3.2) (20 : 80% v/v)Peaks found symmetricalSatisfactory33301.02
2ACN : buffer (pH 4) (20 : 80% v/v)Peak eluted early with less theoretical platesNot satisfactory12911.03
3ACN : buffer (pH 5) (20 : 80% v/v)Completely split peakNot satisfactory7502.12
4ACN : buffer (pH 6) (20 : 80% v/v)Completely split peakNot satisfactory8003.89