Research Article

Yield, Yield Distribution, and Forage Quality of Warm-Season Perennial Grasses Grown for Pasture or Biofuel in the Southern Great Plains

Table 3

Dry matter yield by harvest month of fifteen warm-season perennial grasses in 2005 near Ardmore, OK, USA.

SpeciesYield (kg ha−1)

Alamo switchgrass8926a†6757a3557cd19240a
Blue panicgrass996e1129c4691b3023d9839cde
Blackwell switchgrass5173bc3908bc9081de
Ermelo weeping lovegrass5444b4039bc3195d12678bcde
Carostan flaccidgrass4986bc4834ab2212d12032bcde
Selection 75 kleingrass6030b5189ab2751d13970b
Lometa indiangrass5392a5677ab11069bcde
Midland 99 bermudagrass5970b4445b2951d13366bc
Morpa weeping lovegrass4201cd3862bc2854d10917bcde
Pensacola bahiagrass3182d1514bc3640bc2778d11114bcde
Plains bluestem4311ab3141d7452e
Sand Mountain bahiagrass2785d2221c2561d7567e
WW-B. Dahl old world bluestem4688a7063a11751bcd

— indicates that the species was not harvested that month.
Means within column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at 𝑃 0 . 0 5 .