Clinical Study

The -1364A/C Aquaporin 5 Gene Promoter Polymorphism Is Not Associated with Menière’s Disease

Table 2

(a) Genotype frequencies of the A(-1364)C-AQP5 polymorphism in patients with endolymphatic hydrops (EH), familial Menière’s disease (FMD), and Menière’s disease (MD) and in healthy controls. (b) Genotype frequencies of the A(-1364)C-AQP5 polymorphism in patients with different grades of EH and Menière’s disease according to AAO-HNS.

Genotypes/alleles/entitiesAAAC CC valueAC value
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

EH8 1 0 0.3521710.334

MD23 12 1 0.39158140.498

FMD37 11 3 0.042 * 85170.884

Controls202 87 3 49193

values refer to statistical significance ( ) of genotype frequencies within the particular groups of EH, MD, and FMD. value of CC in the FMD group (0.042) is considered as statistically significant.


Grade 17108
Grade 2206026
Grade 33015345
grade 43115