Clinical Study

Laparoscopic Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy: The Brigham and Women's Experience

Table 4

Surgical variables of 351 patients who underwent laparoscopic RRSO.

𝑁 = 3 5 1

Number of ports
22 (0.6%)
3287 (81.8%)
453 (15.1%)
59 (2.6%)

Scope Size
5 mm296 (84.3%)
10 mm55 (15.7%)

Entrance to peritoneal cavity
Veress320 (91.2%)
Open31 (8.8%)

Energy source
Ligasure303 (86.3%)
Gyrus47 (13.4%)
Ligasure and Gyrus1 (0.3%)

Estimated blood loss (cc)
< 50340 (96.9%)

Status of adhesions
Absent287 (81.8%)
Present64 (18.2%)