Research Article

Environmental Exposure and Nonadherence with Medicines Directly Correlate with Exacerbations and Hospitalization for Asthma: A Population-Based Survey from UAE

Table 3

Comparison between objective and subjective evaluation of asthma control.

Level of asthma controlSubjective asthma control
𝑛 (%)
Objective asthma control*
𝑛 (%)

Poorly and not well controlled 8 (4%) 60 (30%)<0.05
Well/completely controlled 192 (96%) 140 (70%)<0.05

*Objective evaluation of asthma control according to the Asthma Control Test (ACT).
ACT: 5 to 19—poorly or not well controlled asthma, 20 to 25—well controlled asthma.
*(Reprinted with permission from AIR UAE survey [12]).