Clinical Study

A Retrospective Analysis of Transfusion Management for Obstetric Hemorrhage in a Japanese Obstetric Center

Table 2

Demographics of obstetric patients with blood transfusion ( 𝑛 = 2 4 3 ).

Age in years, mean ± SD 3 2 . 1 ± 4 . 7
Gestational age in weeks, mean ± SD 3 5 . 3 ± 4 . 9
Primipara, 𝑛 (%)95 (39.1)
Multiple pregnancy, 𝑛 (%)14 (5.8)
Cesarean delivery, 𝑛 (%)164 (67.5)
Assisted vaginal delivery, 𝑛 (%)26 (10.7)