Research Article

Effect of Activated Charcoal Fibers on the Survival of the House Dust Mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus: A Pilot Study

Table 1

Percentages of dead house dust mites in the presence of activated charcoal fibres.

10 min20 min30 min40 min50 min60 min70 min

A*48.2% (41–57)71.5% (50–82)91.5% (82–96)94.5% (86–100)95.5% (87–100)97.0% (91–100)97.5% (92–100)
B**25.8% (18–30)53.5% (45–61)80.8% (71–92)

A: equilibrated at room temperature (48–53% humidity and 21–26°C).
B: equilibrated in moisture chamber at 70% humidity and 25°C.
Results are means with range of values in parentheses.