Research Article

Biocompatibility of Intracanal Medications Based on Calcium Hydroxide

Figure 1

Light micrographs of sections showing portions of capsules adjacent to the opening of the tubes (I) filled with Calen paste after 7 (a) and 30 days (b and c) of implantation in the subcutaneous. In (a), numerous inflammatory cells (ICs) are observed in the inner portion of the capsule adjacent to the tube opening (I). The inset of the outlined area shows multinucleated giant cells (GCs) in close juxtaposition to the material implanted. BV, blood vessels. 110; inset: 250 (b) shows the capsule exhibits several fibroblasts (Fb) dispersed among the collagen fiber bundles (CF) 130. In (c), outlined area in (b), shows some inflammatory cells (arrows), mainly lymphocytes, situated adjacent to the blood vessels (BV) 250.