Research Article

Posttraumatic Growth Inventory: Factor Structure in the Context of DSM-IV Traumatic Events

Table 2

Traumatic experiences.


Lifetime traumatic experiences
 Serious accident19953.5
 Life-threatening illness14238.2
 Natural disaster14037.6
 Nonsexual assault*8823.6
 Sexual assault6417.1
 Military combat113.0

Single versus multiple traumatic experiences
 1 event16644.6
 ≥2 events20655.4

PTGI event
 Serious accident13235.5
 Life-threatening illness9625.8
 Natural disaster4913.2
 Nonsexual assault*349.1
 Sexual assault318.3
 Military combat71.9

Time since PTGI event
 <6 months7219.4
 6 months to 3 years12734.1
 3 to 5 years7620.4
 >5 years9425.3

*Includes nonsexual assault by a family member/someone known and nonsexual assault by a stranger.
Includes unexpected death of a loved one, witnessing/learning of a suicide attempt or completed suicide, personal suicidality, and witnessing mass causalities.
Includes sexual assault by a family member/someone known, sexual assault by a stranger, and sexual contact under age 18 with someone 5 or more years older.