Research Article

Genetic Determinants of Methicillin Resistance and Virulence among Staphylococcus aureus Isolates Recovered from Clinical and Surveillance Cultures in a Brazilian Teaching Hospital

Table 2

Results of univariate and multivariable analysis of molecular predictors for invasiveness among S. aureus strains.

Clinical cultures (84)Surveillance cultures (225)OR (95% CI) 𝑃 OR (95% CI) 𝑃

 Absence (reference)14 (16.7)75 (33.3)Referenceβ€”Referenceβ€”
 type II4 (4.8)1 (0.4)21.43 (2.22–206.26)0.00410.79 (0.95–122.14)0.06
 type III59 (70.2)44 (19.6)2.19 (1.15–4.18)0.022.19 (1.08–4.45)0.03
 type IV7 (8.3)5 (2.2)7.50 (2.08–27.02)0.0035.28 (1.35–20.63)0.02
Virulence genes
 tst 19 (22.6)28 (12.4)2.06 (1.08–3.93)0.031.36 (0.65–2.84)0.41
 sea 20 (23.8)60 (26.7)0.86 (0.38–1.54)0.611.16 (0.57–2.33)0.69
 seb 22 (26.2)43 (19.1)1.50 (0.83–2.71)0.171.64 (0.85–3.16)0.14
 sec1 20 (23.8)75 (33.3)0.63 (0.34–1.11)0.110.55 (0.27–1.10)0.09
 eta 2 (2.4)1 (0.4)5.46 (0.49–61.06)0.183.57 (1.48–27.46)0.32
 etb 8 (9.5)4 (1.8)5.82 (1.70–19.86)0.0026.38 (1.48–27.46)0.01
 etd 2 (2.4)0 (0.0)Undefined0.07Undefined*0.99
 pvl 21 (25.0)25 (11.1)2.67 (1.40–5.09)0.0022.38 (1.16–4.86)0.02
 ica A 80 (95.2)220 (97.8)0.46 (0.12–1.74)0.260.71 (0.14–3.71)0.69
 ica D 84 (100.0)216 (96.0)Undefined0.12Undefined*0.99
 hla 84 (100.0)223 (99.1)Undefined1.00Undefined*0.99
 hld 84 (100.0)225 (100.0)Undefined1.00Not included**not included

Note: cases are in number (%). Significant results are presented in boldface.
All variables were dichotomic except SCCmec (which was analyzed as a dummy variable, with absence as reference category).
OR: odds ratio. CI: confidence interval.
*CI ranging from zero to infinite. **Not included in the model, due to presence in all analyzed isolates.