Research Article

Common Carotid Artery Occlusion: A Case Series

Table 1

Demographic data, risk factors, and indications for ultrasound examination in patients with CCA occlusion.

PatientAgeSexVascular risk factorsIndication for ultrasound examination

(1)55FHTAcute stroke
(2)57MHT, IHDTIA, poststroke state
(3)76MHT, IHD, DM, and PVDAcute stroke
(4)60MHT, IHD, DL, and smokingAcute stroke
(5)49MHT, smoking, and alcoholAcute stroke
(6)60MHT, IHD, PVD, and DMPoststroke state
(7)50FHT, IHD, and DLPoststroke state
(8)67MHT, IHD, DM, DL, and obesityAcute stroke
(9)55FHT, IHD, DM, and DLDizziness, headache
(10)26MSmokingAcute stroke
(11)70MHT, IHD, DL, and PVDAcute stroke
(12)74MHT, IHD, and PVDAcute stroke
(13)37MSmoking, AFSubarachnoid haemorrhage
(14)86MHT, IHD, PVD, and AFDizziness
(15)60FHT, IHD, PVD, DL, and smokingAcute stroke
(16)74MHT, IHD, and PVDAcute stroke
(17)70FHT, IHD, and DLDizziness
(18)59FHT, IHD, and DLAcute stroke
(19)67MHT, IHD, and AFAcute stroke
(20)44MHT, smokingVenous infarction

: M/F: 2.33

Abbreviations: TIA: transient ischaemic attack; HT: hypertension, DL: dyslipidemia; IHD: ischaemic heart disease; DM: diabetes mellitus; PVD: peripheral vascular disease; AF: atrial fibrillation.