Clinical Study

Indications and Efficacy of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy in the ICU: Have They Changed Since Its Introduction in Clinical Practice?

Table 4

Cases in which airway exploration was the indication for FOB.

Indication or suspicionFindingsManagement

Upper airway obstruction, non intubatedLaryngotracheitis*Conservative plus steroids
Postintubation tracheal stenosisBilateral vocal cord paralysisTracheostomy
IOP before withdrawn of tracheal stentAdequate tracheal lumenCIT
IOP after tracheoplastyAdequate tracheal lumen and cicatrizationCIT
IOP after dilatation of tracheal stenosisAdequate tracheal lumenCIT
IOP after dilatation of tracheal stenosisAdequate tracheal lumenCIT
IOP after dilatation of tracheal stenosisAdequate tracheal lumenCIT
IOP airway obstruction, intubatedAdequate airway patency*NC
IOP airway obstruction, intubatedOrganized clot occluding OTT*Change of cannula
IOP airway obstruction, intubatedClots and mucus plugs occluding OTT and trachea*Change of cannula and lavage
IOP airway obstruction, tracheostomizedAdequate airway patency*NC
IOP airway obstruction, tracheostomizedTracheostomy cannula displacementCorrect placement of cannula
Infected tracheostomy, tracheal damage Complex tracheal cartilage lossChange to large tracheostomy cannula
Postextubation laryngeal stridorNormal larynx and trachea*NC
Postlobectomy bronchial fistulaNo findings suggestive of fistulaNC
Metastasis of esophageal cancer Positive biopsy on histopathology*CIT

FOB: fiberoptic bronchoscopy; IOP: inspection of airway patency; CIT: continuance with the installed treatment; NC: no change in treatment; OTT: orotracheal tube.
*Cases in which complete bronchial exploration was performed.