Clinical Study

Preoperative Plasmapheresis for Elective Thymectomy in Myasthenia Patient: Is It Necessary?

Table 1

Characteristics of patients between both groups.

CharacteristicsPreoperative with plasmapheresis group (PPG) (33)Preoperative without plasmapheresis group (NPPG) (53) value

Male, (%)8 (24.2)17 (32.1)0.475
Age (years), (mean ± SD)44.2 ± 11.644.0 ± 15.30.933
Underlying disease (DM or HT or dyslipidemia)17 (51.5)30 (56.6)0.663
Osserman classification0.611
 I2 (6.1)5 (9.4)0.703
 IIA6 (18.2)14 (26.4)0.440
 IIB21 (63.6)31 (58.5)0.658
 III4 (12.1)3 (5.7)0.421
History of myasthenic crisis at any time 16 (48.5)12 (22.6)0.018
History of myasthenic crisis within one month before surgery7 (21.2)1 (1.9)0.005
History of plasmapheresis within one month before surgery11 (33.3)5 (9.4)0.009
Ocular involvement15 (45.5)25 (47.2)1.000
Neck muscle motor power (mean ± SD)4.5 ± 0.7 4.8 ± 0.40.025
Upper extremities motor power (mean ± SD)4.4 ± 0.74.7 ± 0.50.009
lower extremities motor power (mean ± SD)4.3 ± 0.84.7 ± 0.50.004
Respiratory involvement6 (18.2)1 (1.9)0.012
Bulbar involvement13 (39.4)6 (11.3)0.003
Mestinon use 33 (100)47 (88.7)0.078
Dose of mestinon (mg/day) (mean ± SD)238.2 ± 132.0204.9 ± 88.10.179
Prednisolone use 30 (91.0)48 (91.0)1.000
Dose of prednisolone (mg/day) (mean ± SD)36.0 ± 19.829.3 ± 14.90.094
Azathioprine use16 (48.5)21 (39.6)0.503
Dose of Azathioprine (mg/day) (mean ± SD)65.6 ± 22.173.8 ± 28.00.342
FVC (mean ± SD)1503.3 ± 304.72552.9 ± 221.50.019
Probability of receiving treatment (propensity score)*0.53 ± 0.320.26 ± 0.15<0.001

DM: diabetic mellitus, HT: hypertension, FVC: functional vital capacity.
*Propensity score calculated by logistic regression analysis considering gender, age, underlying disease, Osserman classification, history of myasthenic crisis at any time and within one month before surgery, ocular involvement, neck muscle, upper and lower extremities motor power, respiratory involvement, bulbar involvement, drug used, and FVC as determinants of receiving preoperative plasmapheresis.