Clinical Study

Preoperative Plasmapheresis for Elective Thymectomy in Myasthenia Patient: Is It Necessary?

Table 3

Postoperative outcomes of no plasmapheresis or immunoglobulin group compared with plasmapheresis or immunoglobulin group adjusted by propensity score.

VariablesRisk ratio95% Confidence interval value

Immediate extubation after surgery (adjusted for PSa)2.940.98–8.790.054
Postoperative complications
(adjusted for PSa)
30-day mortality
(adjusted for PSa)
Length of hospital stay* (adjusted for PSa)0.64(−0.63)–1.900.325

PSa: propensity score calculated by logistic regression analysis considering gender, age, underlying disease, Osserman classification, history of myasthenic crisis at any time and within one month before surgery, ocular involvement, neck muscle, upper and lower extremities motor power, respiratory involvement, bulbar involvement, drug used, and FVC as determinants of receiving preoperative plasmapheresis.
*Mean difference.