Review Article

Platinum and Palladium Polyamine Complexes as Anticancer Agents: The Structural Factor

Table 3

Vibrational spectroscopy studies (coupled to theoretical calculations) on platinum and palladium complexes with amine ligands, developed as anticancer agents.

Compound gTechniqueWork

CisplatinDFT calc.
Raman, FTIR
CisplatinDFT/ECP calc.[261]
CisplatinDFT/ECP calc.[339]
CisplatinDFT/ECP calc. [340]
Cisplatin, carboplatinDFT/ECP calc
Cisplatin, carboplatinDFT/ECP, PW calc
INS, Raman, FTIR
CarboplatinDFT/ECP calc
FT-Raman, FTIR
Pt(II)-diaminopropaneDFT/ECP calc
Raman, FTIR, INS
cis-Pt(II)-diamine-orotatoDFT/ECP calc
FT-Raman, FTIR
cPt3(NSpd2)Cl6Raman, FTIR[77]
dPt2(CPENSpm)Cl4Raman, FTIR[77]
Pd3(NSpd2)Cl6Raman, FTIR[77]
ePd2(BENSpm)Cl4Raman, FTIR[77]
Cisplatin-nucleotide adductsResonance Raman[306]
Cisplatin-DNA adductsRaman[309]
Cisplatin-DNA adductsSERS[310]
Cisplatin-guanine adductsDFT/ECP calc
[307, 308]
Carboplatin-guanine adductsRaman, SERS
DFT calc
Carboplatin-nucleotide adductsResonance Raman[306]
fOxaliplatin-HSA interactionFTIR[312]
Pd3Spd2-DNA adductsAFM
Pd2Spm-DNA adductsAFM
Cisplatin-membrane interactionPressure tuning FTIR[313]
Cisplatin actinFT-Raman[311]
Nanotube-encapsulated cisplatinMicroRaman[356]
Response to cisplatin in leukemiaMicroRaman[357]
Response to cisplatin in gastric cancerRaman[358]
Response to cisplatin in lung cancerMicroRaman[333, 335]

aSpd: spermidine. bSpm: spermine. cNSpd: norspermidine, H2N(CH2)3NH(CH2)3NH2. dCPENSpm: N1-cyclopropyl-methyl-N11-ethylnorspermine, (CH2C3H5)HN(CH2)3NH(CH2)3NH(CH2)3NH(CH3CH2). eBENSpm: N1,N11-bis(ethyl)norspermine, (CH3CH2)HN(CH2)3NH(CH2)3NH(CH2)3NH(CH3CH2). fHSA: human serum albumin. gDFT: density functional theory; ECP: effective core potentials; PW: plane wave; FTIR: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; INS: inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy; FT-Raman: Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy; SERS: surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy; AFM: atomic force microscopy.