Clinical Study

Colon Mucosa Exhibits Loss of Ectopic MUC5AC Expression in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis Treated with Oral Tacrolimus

Table 2

The relations between MUC5AC immunostaining, EAI, and DAI in the UC patients with tacrolimus treatment .

 Before AfterBefore After

Case  11 03 0Complete response
Case  21 03 0Complete response
Case  31 02 0Complete response

Case  42 13 0Partial response
Case  52 13 0Partial response
Case  62 12 0Partial response
Case  71 03 1Partial response
Case  81 02 1Partial response
Case  91 02 1Partial response
Case  100 03 1Partial response
Case  110 02 1Partial response
Case  120 23 2Partial response

Case  133 32 3Treatment failure
Case  142 22 2Treatment failure
Case  151 23 3Treatment failure
Case  161 12 2Treatment failure
Case  171 02 2Treatment failure
Case  180 31 2Treatment failure

EAI: endoscopic activity index; DAI: disease activity index. *MUC5AC versus EAI, with Fischer exact probability.