Research Article

Growth and Volatility Reconsidered: Reconciling Opposite Views

Table 11

Dependent variable: growth rate of per capita GDP. Regressors: lagged growth rate of per capita GDP, volatility of GDP growth, consumption growth, investment growth, government consumption growth, and control variables. Sample: OECD countries (25 countries). Horizon: 1978–2007. Annual observations. All regressions include year dummies. All regressions are population weighted.

Dynamic models weighted estimations
IV 2sls IV 2sls IV 2sls

GDP volatility −0.042 0.396* −0.271*** 0.436*
(−0.46) (1.92) (−2.71) (1.76)
Consumption volatility −0.583***−0.683***−0.515***−0.630***
(−4.67) (−5.06) (−3.51) (−3.85)
Investment volatility 0.074***−0.200 −0.120 −0.114
(2.38) (−0.34) (−0.31) (−1.64)
Government consumption volatility 0.013 −0.030 −0.075 −0.122
(0.11) (−0.20) (−0.49) (−0.79)
GDP growth ( ) 0.183*** 0.142*** 0.142*** 0.430*** 0.399*** 0.399***
(4.70) (3.59) (3.61) (8.65) (7.92) (7.92)
Education 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
(0.86) (1.19) (1.28) (0.88) (1.00) (0.98)
Population growth −0.282 −0.378 −0.414 0.518 0.360 0.346
(−0.87) (−1.17) (−1.28) (1.32) (0.92) (0.77)
Initial GDP −0.032***−0.139 −0.120 −0.036***−0.019*−0.017
(−4.07) (−1.59) (−1.34) (−3.68) (−1.80) (−1.56)
Investment share of GDP 0.092*** 0.093*** 0.093***−0.096***−0.099***−0.096***
(8.20) (8.30) (8.30) (−4.96) (−4.98) (−4.99)
Observations 725 725 725 675 675 675
Country dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Instruments No No No Yes Yes Yes
Kleibergen-Paap Wald statistic 275.699 269.17 268.73
Sargan test ( value) 0.136 0.166 0.208

Note: -statistics in parenthesis, robust SEs. *Significance at 10%, **significance at 5%, and ***significance at 1%.