Clinical Study

Continuation or Discontinuation of Statin Therapy Did Not Influence Patient Outcomes after the Development of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Table 3

Linear regression of ventilator-free days.

VariableaEffect estimate (days)Confidence interval (95%) value

Male gender−3.51−6.32 to −0.710.015
Fluid balance (per liter positive)−0.30−0.40 to −0.21<0.001
Corticosteroids−2.71−5.36 to −0.050.046
Statins before and after ARDS−1.18−6.77 to 4.420.679
Statins before but not after ARDS−1.39−5.66 to 2.880.521

Variables entered into equation: statin administration before and after ARDS diagnosis, statin before but not after ARDS diagnosis, quintile of propensity to receive statins, age, male gender, APACHE II (per point), tidal volume (per mL/kg of predicted body weight above 6 mL/kg), corticosteroids, and overall fluid balance (per liter positive). ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; APACHE: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation.