Research Article

Indoor Tanning within UK Young Adults: An Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour Approach

Table 4

Hierarchical regressions of the predictors of IT intention and behaviour.

CI 95% for
Beta Lower Upper

(1).079.069 7.905***
PBC .210 3.325**.075 .294
Attitude .152 2.340*.015 .180
SN −.030 −.453 −.081 .051
(2) .166.144 7.755***
PBC .132 2.051*.005 .227
Attitude .074 1.116 .036 .131
SN −.065 −.983 −.098 .033
Appearance reasons to tan .330 5.240***.086 .190
Perceived susceptibility to:
 Damaging appearance −.023 −.385 .078 .052
 Health consequence.013 .215 .042 .053
 Tanning knowledge.007 .110 .052 .058
(1) .702.695 115.117***
Intention .834 20.560***.815 .988
PBC −.048 −.529 −.119 .069
(2) .710.698 58.891***
Intention .830 18.654***.776 .959
PBC −.031 −.682 −.130 .063
Attitude .029 .630 −.049 .094
SN .021 .452 −.041 .066
Appearance reasons to tan .098 2.229*.006 .106
Perceived susceptibility to:
 Damaging appearance .030 .705 −.036 .076
 Health consequence−.015 −.360 −.048 .033
 Tanning knowledge−.037 .874 −.066 .025

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