Research Article

ENETS TNM Staging Predicts Prognosis in Small Bowel Neuroendocrine Tumours

Table 2

List of different interventions undertaken in small bowel neuroendocrine tumour patients; it lists the intervention and number of procedures undertaken.

InterventionNo. of interventions No. of patients

Total number that had primary tumour resected100100
Failed resection of primary tumour44
No resection of primary tumour3434
Primary tumour resection plus liver resection/RFA1414
Resection of liver metastases4837
Resection of other sites of metastatic disease22
Liver transplant22
Carcinoid heart valve surgery33
Further bowel resection33
131I-MIBG therapy1414

For 131I-MIBG (iodine-131-meta-iodobenzylguanidine) and PRRT (peptide receptor radiotargetted therapy) an intervention comprised of 3-4 cycles of therapy. Each embolization was counted as a separate intervention. Heart value surgery involved tricuspid valve replacement in 2 cases, and one case had a tricuspid valve replacement plus pulmonary valvuloplasty. Abdominal radiotherapy was performed in two patients.