Clinical Study

Directable Needle Guide: Efficacy for Image-Guided Percutaneous Interventions

Figure 2

Computed-tomography- (CT-) guided needle approach using a directable needle guide (DNG) for percutaneous ethanol injection. (a) CT image (with tilt of the gantry 33° in the cranial direction) of a 73-year-old woman with hepatitis C shows a hypodense, growing lesion (arrowhead) in the hepatic dome. (b) A 22-gauge injection needle is initially inserted at a position caudal to the CT image plane, avoiding insertion into lung tissue. (c) A DNG (arrow) is advanced in the craniomedial direction to penetrate the lesion under intermittent fluoroscopy. (d) The injection needle is advanced along the DNG. (e) CT image (after replacing the gantry) demonstrates a lesion with decreased attenuation after ethanol injection.