Research Article

Different Neural Responses to a Moral Valence Decision Task in Unipolar and Bipolar Depression

Table 1

Gray matter areas showing a significant interaction of diagnosis and moral valence of the stimuli. Data are shown for the maximal activations in each Brodmann’s area (BA): lateralization (L/R), MRIh coordinates ( ) of voxels with higher values (signal peaks), and level of significance. Glass-brain images of these data are shown in Figure 1.

ComparisonRegionSideBASignal peak

Unipolar patients versus control subjectsVentrolateral prefrontal cortex
 Middle Frontal GyrusLeft47−30 40 −813.903.350.000
Temporal cortex
 Superior temporal gyrusRight4154 −28 127.812.470.007
 InsulaRight1348 −36 187.342.380.009
Parietal cortex
 Superior parietal lobuleRight732 −72 527.942.490.006
 Paracentral lobuleRight520 −48 507.902.480.006
Bipolar patients versus control subjectsDorsolateral prefrontal cortex
 Middle frontal gyrusLeft10−24 52 812.203.140.001
 Superior frontal gyrusRight1024 50 309.502.750.003
Medial prefrontal cortex
 Medial frontal gyrusRight94 38 3012.043.110.001
 Medial frontal gyrusLeft9−2 42 329.322.720.003
Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
 Inferior frontal gyrusLeft45−50 36 49.172.700.004
Frontal lobe
 Precentral gyrusLeft6−50 0 307.992.500.006
Cingulate cortex
 AnteriorRight326 20 3211.112.990.001
 PosteriorLeft24−2 −18 4210.592.910.002
Temporal cortex
 Middle temporal gyrusRight3942 −76 2813.783.340.000
 Superior temporal gyrusRight4154 −30 1010.082.840.002
 Superior temporal gyrusLeft22−58 −60 128.452.580.005
 InsulaRight1348 −36 1811.653.060.001
Parietal cortex
 PrecuneusLeft19−32 −82 4013.423.290.000
Occipital cortex
 CuneusRight184 −96 169.922.810.002
 Middle occipital gyrusLeft19−32 −88 168.762.630.004
Lentiform nucleus
 Medial globus pallidusLeft−10 0 28.562.600.005
 Lateral globus pallidusRight14 6 −210.642.920.002
Subthalamic nucleusLeft−12 –16 −49.052.680.004
Unipolar patients versus bipolar patientsVentrolateral prefrontal cortex
 Inferior frontal gyrusLeft47−32 32 −611.433.030.001
Parietal cortex
 PrecuneusLeft7−18 −82 469.852.800.003
 PrecuneusLeft19−12 −88 408.572.600.005