Review Article

Impact of Physical Activity Intervention Programs on Self-Efficacy in Youths: A Systematic Review

Table 5

Eliminated articles and references.

Article PopulationStudy designExclusion rationale

Allison et al. [25]aONCI, SEIE
Annesi et al. [26]cONC
Annesi et al. [27]cONC, SEIE
Annesi [28]cONC
Annesi et al. [29]cONC
Annesi et al. [30]cONC
Annesi et al. [31]cONC
Annesi [7]a/cMSEIE
Barr-Anderson et al. [32]aONCI, SEIE
Barr-Anderson et al. [33]aONCI, SEIE
Beets et al. [34]aONCI
Berry et al. [35]aONCI
Boutelle et al. [36]AONCI
Bray [37]a/AONCI
Brown [38]AONCI
Cardon et al. [39] cONC, NCI
Carels et al. [40]ARCTNSE
Courneya and McAuley [41]AONCI, SEIE
de Bourdeaudhuij et al. [42]aONCI, SEIE
Deforche et al. [43]aONC, NCI
Dilorenzo et al. [44]a/cONCI
Dishman et al. [45]a/cONCI, SEIE
Dzewaltowski et al. [46]aONCI, SEIE
Dzewaltowski et al. [47]cONCI, SEIE
Epstein et al. [48]cQENCI, NSE
Epstein et al. [49]aQENSE
Foster et al. [50]cONCI
Gao et al. [51]AONCI, SEIE
Gillison et al. [52]aONCI, NSE
Gortmaker et al. [53]aQENSE
Hausenblas et al. [54]aONCI, SEIE
Heitzler et al. [55]c/AONCI, SEIE
Keats et al. [56]aONCI
Kitzman-Ulrich et al. [57]aONC, SEIE
Kloek et al. [58]AONCI, SEIE
Knöpfli et al. [59]AQENCI, NSE
Kowal and Fortier [60]AONCI, NSE
Lewis et al. [8]c/ARSEIE
Lytle et al. [61]a/cOSEIE
Maltby and Day [62]AONCI, NSE
Martin et al. [63]aONSE
Martin and McCaughtry [64]cONCI, SEIE
McClaran [65]AONC
Melnyk et al. [66]aRCTNSE
Mildestvedt and Meland [67]AONCI, NSE
Moreno Murcia et al. [68]aONSE
Moreno et al. [69]AONCI
Motl et al. [70]aQENSE
Motl et al. [71]aRCTSEIE
Murru and Ginis [72]ARCTNCI, SEIE
Nicholls et al. [73]AONCI, SEIE
Nigg and Courneya [74]aONCI, SEIE
Nigg [75]aONCI
Parcel et al. [76]aQEYear prior 2000
Patrick et al. [77]aQENCI, NSE
Pender et al. [78]a/cONCI
Quintiliani et al. [79]a/AONCI
Raudsepp et al. [80]aONSE
Renner et al. [81]a/AONCI, SEIE
Robbins et al. [82]c/AONCI
Robbins et al. [83]a/cONCI, SEIE
Roemmich et al. [84]aQENSE
Roemmich et al. [85]a/cRCTNSE
Rosenberg et al. [86]aRCTNSE
Ryan et al. [87]AONCI, NSE
Ryan and Dzewaltowski [88]a/cONCI, SEIE
Sallis et al. [89]AONCI
Sallis et al. [90]a/cONSE
Sallis et al. [9]a/cRSEIE
Salmon et al. [91]cRCTNSE
Salvy et al. [92]aQENCI, NSE
Schneider et al. [93]ARCTNSE
Sherwood et al. [94]cRCTSEIE
Shields et al. [95]aONCI, SEIE
Shields and Brawley [96] AONCI, SEIE
Shrigley and Dawson [97] AONC
Sothern et al. [98]cONCI, SEIE
Stone et al. [99]a/cRSEIE
Strauss et al. [100]a/cONCI
Sung et al. [101]cONCI, NSE
Taylor et al. [102]a/cONCI
Taymoori and Lubans [103] aQENCI, SEIE
Taymoori et al. [104]aONCI, SEIE
Thompson et al. [105]cONCI, NSE
Trost et al. [106]cONCI, SEIE
Trost et al. [107]aONCI, SEIE
Valois et al. [108]aONCI
Watson et al. [109]a/cONC, NCI
Wilson et al. [110]aONCI, SEIE
Wilson et al. [111]aRCTSEIE
Wenthe et al. [112]aONCI, SEIE
Wright et al. [113]aONCI, SEIE

Adults (A), adolescent (a), children (c), literature or systematic review (R), meta-analysis (M), no control group (NC), intervention criteria not fulfilled (NCI), self-efficacy not measured (NSE), observational study design (O) (includes cross-sectional study design, longitudinal design, cohorts, cross-over design), quasiexperimental study design (QE), randomized control trial (RCT), self-efficacy influencing exercise (SEIE).