Research Article

Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon for Ethiopian Highlands Using Soil Spectroscopy

Table 1

Overview description of the study sites.

Sampling siteAgroecological zone*Rainfall (mm)Temperature range (°C)**Dominant soil types***Geological background

AnjeniWet Weyna Dega16509–23 (16)Alisols, Nitisols, Cambisols, Regosols, Acrisols, Luvisols, and LeptosolsTertiary Basalts
Bale mountainsDega-High Dega870–10648.6–15.2 (13.1)AndosolsVolcanic rocks with volcanic ash material
BasketoWeyna Dega 130012.8–27.7 (18)Nitisols and AndosolsIgnimbrites and Rhyolites
BenishangulWeyna Dega/ Kolla11169.5–34.4 (25)NitisolsTertiary Gneisses and Basalts
KersaDega/Weyna Dega 1400 18–25 (19)Vertisols and NitisolsMostly tertiary basaltic rocks
KolatembienWeyna Dega600 16–20 (18)Regosols, Cambisols, and LeptosolsAntalo Limestones
MaybarMoist Weyna Dega/moist Dega115012.3–21.4 (16.4)Phaeozems, Gleysols, Fluvisols, and LeptosolsAlkali-olive Basalts and Tuffs
MegechWeyna Dega700–116014.2–26.9 (20)Vertisols, Fluvisols, and CambisolPleistocene to recent alluvial deposits
WondogenetWeyna Dega94812.6–27.3 (19)Luvisols, Andosols, and NitisolsIgnimbrites, Basalts, and Tuffs

Hurni, 1998 [11], the mean annual values are in the parentheses, based on FAO-Unesco soil classification.