Clinical Study

Rescue High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: What about Lung Histopathology and Necropsy Findings?

Table 6

Clinical neonatal characteristics and followup of the two survivors of CDH after rescue HFOV.

PatientNeonatal periodFollowup

1Female; 38 weeks GA; 3400 g BW; inborn; left CDH; liver down; HFOV on day 1 because of hypercapnia; INO + sildenafil; surgery day 8 of life; ventilated for 28 days; discharged day 38.5 years old; pectus escavatum; normal growth (weight on centile 5, height centile 50 head circumference centile 75); normal neurodevelopment.

2Female; 38 weeks GA; 2820 g BW; inborn; left CDH; liver down; started HFOV on day 2 of life because of hypercapnia; INO + sildenafil; surgery on day 14; ventilated for 35 days; discharged on D 46.5 years old; normal growth (centile 25–50) and neurodevelopment.

BW: birthweight; CDH: congenital diaphragmatic hernia; GA: gestational age; HFOV: high-frequency oscillatory ventilation; INO: inhaled nitric oxide.