Clinical Study

Quantifying Gait Impairment Using an Instrumented Treadmill in People with Multiple Sclerosis

Table 3

Bivariate correlations (Spearman’s rho) among gait spatiotemporal parameters in persons with MS ( ).

Treadmill gait variablesEDSSPyramidalCerebellar

Velocity (km/h)−0.52*−0.46*−0.34*
Cadence (steps/min)−0.30*−0.24*†−0.23*
Step time R (sec)0.31*0.22*†0.29*
Step time L (sec)0.26*0.23*†0.21*†
Step length R (cm)−0.51*−0.46*−0.30*
Step length L (cm)−0.52*−0.48*−0.34*
Stance R (% GC)0.58*0.58*0.38*
Stance L (% GC)0.63*0.56*0.47*
Single support R (% GC)−0.63*−0.56*−0.47*
Single support L (% GC)−0.58*−0.58*−0.38*
Double support (% GC)0.65*0.61*0.44*
Stride time (sec)0.31*0.25*†0.24*†
Stride length (cm)−0.52*−0.47*−0.32*
Base of support (cm)0.35*0.29*NS
 A-P variability (mm)0.55*0.49*0.44*
 Lateral symmetry (mm)0.34*0.42*0.24*†
 Lateral variability (mm)0.56*0.50*0.45*

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *†Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed); NS: nonsignificant.