Review Article

Critical Analysis of Strand-Biased Somatic Mutation Signatures in TP53 versus Ig Genes, in Genome-Wide Data and the Etiology of Cancer

Table 8

Somatic point mutation patterns in breast cancer derived from large-scale exomic sequencing of breast cancer genomes.

Original baseMutant base
ATCGTotal Statistics

A4. T1.7x
T2.>G versus T>C1.7x
C7.816.211.935.9G C1.2x
G19.>A versus C>T1.2xNS
G>T versus C>A1.2xNS
G>C versus C>G1.2xNS

Values in the table represent the percentage of the total of 1445 somatic point mutations scored over the exons of 11 individual breast cancer genomes comprising approximately 20,000 protein coding genes Wood et al. [56]. The very low number of ambiguous and heterozygote double mutation data not included. The Chi-Squared statistics (significance levels) are indicated as in previous tables.